Preparing a show and tell about a holiday or an old family war medal for example, allows them to form an opinion and think about how it makes them feel. The process of preparing a show and tell encourages children to consider the importance of a special item and appreciate its significance in different ways. Children will also become more comfortable contributing in class and asking questions. Practising public speaking regularly, means it will usually begin to feel easier as you get older. Show and tell is the perfect place to start – speaking about something you know and are interested in, and allowing confidence to develop in a safe and familiar environment. Practising public speaking will build confidence in most people. There are many benefits of show and tell for children, but here are a few: Confidence When you are asked to help your child prepare a show and tell, remember the positive impact it can have on his or her confidence and communication skills! Speaking about something you love always makes you love it even more! It is a wonderful introduction to public speaking as children are often given the option of speaking about a topic they know well and are interested in. The opportunity to do a show and tell might come up in kindergarten, or once they start primary school. Show and tell (or show and share) is usually the first opportunity young children have to stand up in front of a small group and speak.